The silhouette of two hikers atop a rocky hill at sunset. One extends a helping hand to other, reaching the top together.

The Beginnings of Beautiful Partnerships

Look, we know you just got out of a long-term relationship with bias. We did too. You probably still need time to heal, but we feel this special connection between us. All good relationships are built on a foundation of shared values, like how we both appreciate that Canada has so many incredible support organizations for the Veteran and disabled communities.

It’s February, love is in the air and we’re romantics. So let’s make it official: will you go steady with us?

Here are some of the reasons the IWSCC would make a great partner for your business.


We Communicate

Relationships take communication. Sharing is caring, after all. We want to know more about you! Not just the good things, but the hard stuff too. Good relationships take honesty and that doesn’t always mean agreeing. With belonging, dignity, and respect, we learn from each other.

Partnering with us means sharing insights, experience, and knowledge. IWSCC has lots to share about Veteran and disabled business owners. By asking each other questions and challenging each other’s assumptions, we share best practices and lift these communities together.


We Make Time for You

When we say we want to communicate, we mean it. We know that you’re busy, and we can be too, but we want you to know that we will always make time for you. The IWSCC is a dependable partner who will listen to you when you need it most. You have our undivided attention.

Thanks to regular meetings with our team, we can share focus. Aligning our goals means sharing our passions, our plans, and our dreams for the future. Becoming our partner means being heard.


We Let You Be Yourself

A healthy and happy relationship means that both sides feel good. Sharing is caring, but that doesn’t mean we need you to change. We like you for who you are. For supporters, advocates, and community organizations, every day is an opportunity to share what makes people with disabilities and Veterans so unique.

If you show us your programs, we’ll show you ours. We want to help spread the word about what you have to offer. Partners can expose their events to the Veteran and disabled-owned business communities through our network. Get connected with business owners and help support more people than ever. Don’t worry, we aren’t the jealous type.


We Support You Through the Hard Times and the Good

The road to inclusion is long, and not always easy. Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on, a hand to lift them, or a partner to have their back sometimes. When times get tough, or when you need help, the IWSCC is here for you. We know that you can be there for us, too.

By combining our efforts, we accomplish more than we ever could alone. As our network of partners expands, our ability to provide advice, recognition, and knowledge grows. Supporting each other is how we amplify our voice, even with government. When reducing stigma and improving inclusion are our goals, everyone succeeds.


We Can Do Incredible Things Together

This was a lot, we get it, but we are just so excited to tell you how we feel about you. We hope that you feel the same way, too. Let’s share our passion for the communities we both love and support and make Canadian business, workplaces, employment, and supply chains more inclusive for everyone!

When you’re ready to give us your answer, send us an email. We can’t wait to hear from you.


Yours truly,




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