City of Brampton Supply Chain Diversity Program
In line with Brampton City Council’s priorities of creating more opportunities and embedding diversity in our operations, the City is developing a Supply Chain Diversity program for launch in Spring 2021.
We are embedding supplier diversity as part of the City’s Invitational Procurement process ($25,000 to $100,000). Suppliers who would like to participate in this program will have to be certified as a diverse supplier through established non-profit Supplier Certification Organizations such as:
- Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council -
- WBE Canada, Certified Women Business Enterprises -
- Canadian Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce -
- Inclusive Workplace Supply Council of Canada -
- Canadian Council for Aboriginal Business -
- Buy Social Canada -
Note: Some membership fees may apply. Contact the certification organizations directly for more information.
We have recently updated the Vendor Registration page on bids&tenders to now include details of whether your organization is considered a Certified Diverse Supplier. In preparation for the launch of the Supply Chain Diversity program in 2021, we ask that you update your Vendor Account by December 31, 2020.
To learn more about how supplier diversity will be embedded as part of the City’s Invitational Procurement Process and how to become a certified diverse supplier, join us for our upcoming virtual training sessions.
- November 26, 10 am
- December 3, 10 am
Click here to register.