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Accessibility Standards Advisory Council Welcomes New Chair Matthew Shaw


Accessibility Standards Advisory Council Welcomes New Chair Matthew Shaw

Mr. Shaw will lead the government’s accessibility best practices across diverse sectors

April 27, 2021
Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility

TORONTO – The Ontario Government has appointed Matthew Shaw as the new chair of the province’s Accessibility Standards Advisory Council . In his new role, Mr. Shaw will be responsible for working with members to set the council’s goals, objectives and strategic direction within its mandate; and report council’s advice to the Minister for Seniors and Accessibility.

“Matthew Shaw is a dedicated champion of disability rights and accessibility, and brings a breadth of knowledge to the council,” said Raymond Cho, Minister for Seniors and Accessibility. “His broad experience and enthusiasm in advancing accessibility across many different sectors will help ensure meaningful and thoughtful input and advice as we work to build a more accessible and inclusive province. Creating a more equitable and inclusive Ontario is an ongoing journey that requires many partners, and we’re pleased to have such a strong team of advisors on the council.”

The council currently consists of 11 members and is responsible for advising the Minister for Seniors and Accessibility on:

Mr. Shaw is a recognized disability and charitable sector leader and the Principal of Shaw Philanthropy Partners, which helps charities, non-profits and social enterprises raise funds to deliver on their mission and improve the lives of those they serve. He is also the Managing Partner of Disability Solutions, a full-service consultancy and accessibility practice. The company helps private and public sector clients apply the lens of disability to meet and exceed legislated accessibility standards, grow market share, improve products and experiences, and increase workplace productivity.

“I’m proud of the opportunity to share my lived experience and knowledge of accessibility best practices across diverse sectors, and to work alongside such a talented group of people on the council,” said Matthew Shaw, Chair, Accessibility Standards Advisory Council. “Applying a disability lens to the development of accessibility standards is vital as Ontario continues its journey towards a more accessible and inclusive province.”

The council is responsible for providing high-level strategic advice to the Minister for Seniors and Accessibility on accessibility and matters related to the AODA.

Recognizing the impact COVID-19 has had on people with disabilities and sector organizations, a key priority for the council will be advising the government on how to address accessibility barriers that have resulted from, or are exacerbated by the pandemic.

Quick Facts

  • There are 2.6 million people in Ontario who have a disability. Most disabilities are invisible.
  • The council includes representatives from the disability community and organizations that have to comply with Ontario’s accessibility laws (including businesses, non-profit and public sector organizations).
  • The government continues to work with partner ministries, businesses, non-profit and public sector organizations to create a more inclusive and accessible province through the Advancing Accessibility in Ontario framework.

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Media Contacts

Elric Pereira
Minister’s office

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