A group of orange fish with one blue fish swimming out of the pack in the opposite direction.

IWSCC Newsletter – July 2021

Belonging doesn’t require us to change who we are; it requires us to BE who we are.

– Brené Brown

We are happy to welcome you to IWSCC’s fresh take on our newsletter! Each month you’ll find an inspiring quote, a spotlight on IWSCC Members of the month, a tip or resource on doing better business with IWSCC Members, and an update on our events and projects.

Now let’s dive in!

Supplier Spotlight

Maxsys Staffing and Consulting

Founded in 1993, MaxSys is an industry leader in staffing & consulting with 14 offices spanning across Canada. Our team of specialists have the reach and expertise to make the perfect match between clients and candidates. Certified as an ISO 9001 quality enterprise, MaxSys is the winner of numerous business awards and has been recognized as one of Canada’s 50 Best Managed Companies.

We are very supportive of the military community in particular and work hard to find employment opportunities for those that have served our country. Of the 14,000 job placements we do every year, over 1,000 are veterans, extended family and active reservists.


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Resource of the Month

The meaning behind the words Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) has been lost in the sea of corporate initiatives launched in the last decade. The Josh Bersin Academy released their report Elevating Equity: The Real Story of Diversity and Inclusion following a year-long study on 84 DEI organizational practices. Among other things, it found that, “only one company in five holds itself accountable for DEI … and 40% see diversity as primarily an issue of compliance.” Learn more about what DEI efforts do (and don’t) work by reading the full report here.

TIP: Consider replacing your DEI vocabulary with Belonging, Dignity, and Justice. Incorporating these universal values into your organization’s culture shifts the conversation from ‘you’re invited to our party’ to ‘let’s host a party together’.  


Corporate Corner

Brampton - Flower City


The City of Brampton is a City of Opportunities and we constantly strive to improve livability and prosperity by focusing on economic opportunities for all businesses. The City became a Corporate Member of the IWSCC to create equitable access for veterans and persons with disabilities, to bid on City procurement projects and do more business in Brampton. By creating an equitable process for everyone, Brampton benefits by building amore diverse and inclusive economy and society.

– City of Brampton Purchasing Director Gina Rebancos

The Supply Chain Diversity Program offers Certified Diverse Suppliers equitable access to bidding on City procurement projects valued at $25,000 to $100,000. This means when the City invites bids from organizations, it will include at least one business from its Certified Diverse Supplier List to bid on the given project.


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What We’ve Been Up To


This June we announced the launch of our landmark study, Project VENT, or Project Veteran Entrepreneur. The project includes a 62-question survey for past, present, and future Veteran entrepreneurs, as well as two Guides: one for Veterans & one for those who would like to do business with Veterans. Before dispatching the survey, we’re asking our VENT Advisory team to assess the survey questions for clarity, focus, and missing information. If you think you might have some valuable insight, please e-mail Deidre Guy at deidreg@iwscc.ca with your contact information, interest, and expertise.


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