CGLCC Free Programming until May 31, 2020
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Free access until May 31 / Accès gratuit jusqu’au 31 mai

Since March we at Pride at Work Canada have opened our online member programming to anyone who wants to tune in. We’ve been constantly monitoring current events and working in partnership with other queer and trans organizations to provide the best possible support to the most vunerable members of our communities. We know that there is a lack of diversity data for…

CAMSC Maximising Local Supply Chain
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Learn How To Maximise Local Supply Chain! Register Now for CAMSC Webinar

Using suppliers within our borders has become necessary during the COVID-19 outbreak. Learn what it means to use, as well as become, one of these suppliers for larger businesses. How do you make the essential connections and network Challenges faced by the local businesses How to address and overcome the challenges Building new business model…

BI Webinar Series
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Business Intelligence Webinar: Financial Support for Small and Medium Scale Businesses

The financial support available for businesses from the government can help prevent major losses. Canadian Government strives to help business owners and executives learn about their potential for grants and loans. During our webinar, we’ll help you understand the government funding landscape and build a plan to tap into these incentives. Join our webinar to…