IWSCC Partners
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Organization sees success supporting disabled-owned and veteran-owned businesses

Over the last year, the Canada Inclusive Workplace and Supply Council of Canada (IWSCC) has witnessed success with its mission to support disabled-owned and veteran-owned businesses. The Canadian non-profit organization helps business owners work through the certification process and expand their business opportunities by providing ongoing education and mentorship. Over the last year, IWSCC has…

Update and Resources
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Update & Resources

As we face unprecedented times with the  spread of COVID-19 affecting all aspects of our lives, and things changing so quickly, we wanted to provide a list of resources to help small businesses and owners in Canada. The IWSCC is continuing our important work during this time however, all events have been postponed and we…

Start Ups for People with Disabilities
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TU Dublin Report Provides Blueprint to Encourage Entrepreneurship in People with Disabilities

A new report published by Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) today has highlighted the need for tailored supports for people with disabilities that want to start their own business. Almost 13.5%[1] of the Irish population has a disability, but Ireland has one of the lowest employment rates for people with disabilities in the European Union at…