About Us

The Inclusive Workplace and Supply Council of Canada (IWSCC) is a Canadian non-profit created to support Veterans and/or people with disabilities who own businesses. We provide certification so that these businesses can be officially recognized as Diverse Suppliers and work with corporate partners to increase the inclusivity of workplaces and procurement processes.

IWSCC believes that every Canadian has a right to meaningful work; to support themselves and their families. For Veterans and/or those with disabilities, that right is more of a privilege or not recognized at all. Across Canada, they are denied employment, paid less than their peers and are less likely to hold management positions.

Our Three Pillars

In our work towards equal opportunity, we focus our efforts in three areas:

  1. IWSCC helps business owners through a certification process that can expand their business opportunities to include some of Canada’s leading brands and public-sector organizations. The IWSCC also provides ongoing education and mentoring.
  2. IWSCC works with corporate and public-sector members to help them understand the needs of Veterans and/or people with disabilities as Diverse Suppliers. IWSCC advises on procurement best practices which can make processes more inclusive, and intuitively easy to understand and use.
  3. IWSCC supports the organizational shift from cultures of accommodation to a culture of inclusion for their disabled and/or Veteran employees in the workplace through research and educational programs. The programs provide advanced research studies in partnership with leading non-profit and institutional partners to look at emerging trends, new methods and practical applications for true equality in the workplace.

Two Key Initiatives

We are currently working on two key projects:

  1. Supplier Diversity – Bringing together veteran / persons with disability owned business with top brands in Canada – and bridging the gap with networking and mentoring opportunities.
  2. Inclusive Work – Improving awareness of veterans and persons with disabilities in the work place, helping organizations capitalize on the top talent in this under-recognized labour pool.