Join Our Growing Membership
We welcome new organizations to our community of Certified Suppliers, Corporate Members, and Community Partners every month.
Certified Suppliers
Certified Suppliers own and operate 51% or more of their business, and identify as Veteran and/or disabled. These Certified entrepreneurs get direct access to the decision makers at large public and private organizations, among other benefits.
Corporate Members
Corporate Members get a direct line of communication with certified Veteran-Owned and Disabled-Owned businesses, support building their Supplier Diversity programs, and access to learning and training through workshops and research.
Certified Suppliers get to meet decision makers at large corporations and all levels of government.
Corporate Members get to meet suppliers that add value to their supply chains.
Certified Suppliers can join webinars, workshops, and mentorship opportunities.
Corporate Members can learn about best practices for creating diverse supply chains and working with diverse suppliers.
Certified Suppliers and Corporate Members get access to exclusive events hosted by the IWSCC.
They also get access to our partners in Supplier Diversity Alliance Canada.
What Makes Diverse Business Owners Different?
Adaptability – Disability forces you to be flexible. Finding ways over, under, around, and through visible and invisible needs makes the disabled agile and adaptive.
Ingenuity – Overcoming mental, physical, and societal barriers takes resourcefulness. When anything might be an obstacle you gain a talent for troubleshooting.
Diligence – An eye for detail is a must when you live with disability. Prevention is best practice when the unexpected is a barrier.
Persistence – Navigating a complicated world with complex needs makes your motto try, try, and try again.
Creativity – When you live outside the box, you think outside the box. Unique thinkers take exceptional problems and create extraordinary solutions.
Leadership – Veterans plan from small steps to big picture. Strategy and procedure are the foundation of military success.
Teamwork – Accomplish more together than you ever could apart. With leadership comes followship: the mindset of a team-player.
Dedication – A commitment to getting the job done, no matter what it takes, is part of a Veteran’s DNA.
Perseverance – Commit to success and you will ultimately triumph. The military way is forward, one step at a time.
Fortitude – The strength to take action. The will to perform under pressure. Veterans are trained to reach their goals against all odds.
Resourcefulness – Take whatever is at hand and maximize its potential. Veterans make the most of every opportunity.